There are several ways for members of the community and high school students to get involved with the Band and Instrumental Music Program at Mount Union. The Concert Band (offered Spring semester) is open to members of the community, high school students, faculty, staff and students of the University of Mount Union. High School Band Day is an annual event that brings area high school bands and band students to campus to participate in one of our home football games. Tuba Christmas is a once-a-year opportunity for tuba and euphonium players to participate in the great tradition of low brass caroling. For more information on any of these events, please contact us at
Colorguard and Majorettes
The Purple Raider Marching Band Colorguard and Majorettes are a visual as well as athletic representatives of the University of Mount Union. Those interested can visit this link to find more information.
Bands and Ensembles
Purple Raider Marching Band
Purple Raider Marching Band
The Mount Union Purple Raider Marching Band is one of the most visible music groups on campus. Comprised of music majors, music minors, and students from every discipline on campus, the band performs at every home game during the football season. The band also performs as guests for high school band shows across Northeast Ohio and beyond. Matching the superior nature of the Mount Union football team, the Purple Raider Marching band performs a spirit-filled pregame show and exciting halftime show at every game. We also cheer on our team during the game with exciting music from the stands. For more information about the band, or to schedule a visit, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Band Camp
August 15 - 22, 2024
August 15 – Leadership (Tentative 1 p.m.) August 16 – Auxiliary, and Percussion report (Tentative 3 p.m.), Camp Preparations (Leadership) August 17 - Remaining Band Members Report (Tentative 2 p.m.) Full band camp schedule will be provided this summer, but most days will start at 9 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., with several breaks.
Season Schedule
September 21: Home vs. John Carroll (9:30 am rehearsal, 12:45 call time, 1:30 kick-off)
October 12: Homecoming vs. Wilmington (9:30 am rehearsal, 12:45 call time, 1:30 kick-off (Possible other rehearsals TBA)
October 19: Home vs. Heidelberg (Pep Band)
November 09: Home vs. Marietta (9:30 am rehearsal, 12:45 call time, 1:30 kick-off)
November 23 and 30, December 07 and 14: Potential playoff games. Schedule TBA
Wind Ensembles
Wind Ensemble
Our premiere wind band is comprised of exceptional students including majors and non-majors alike. Repertoire is hand selected to highlight the strengths of the ensemble as well as challenge the musicality of the participants. Rehearsals are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the Spring semester of the Academic Year. Acceptance is through scheduled auditions, yet all are encouraged to apply.
Concert Band
Our secondary wind band included majors and non-majors as well. The group is open to accelerated high school students as well as enthusiastic community members. This group gives our Music Education majors an opportunity to develop their secondary instrument skills, gives high school students additional performance experiences, offers prolonged music making in community members, and contributes to the sense of citizenship in the Alliance community. Repertoire is hand selected to expand the musicianship of participating members. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday nights during the Spring semester of the Academic Year. There are no auditions, but previous music experience is required.
Raider Steel Band
Raider Steel Band
The Raider Steel Band is one of many ensembles that sets us apart from other schools. Embracing the traditions of Trinidad and Tobago, the Raider Steel Band provides a World Music outlet for any student on campus. Whether you have been a part of a high school steel band, a community group, or have no steel pan experience, we have a place for you in the band. The Raider Steel Band performs a concert each semester, and also travels to locations on and off campus for special events and collaborations with other steel bands. For more information about the Raider Steel Band, or to schedule a visit, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Jazz Ensembles
Jazz Ensembles
The UMU Jazz Ensemble is a select group that provides an opportunity for students to rehearse and perform typical jazz music, as well as get instruction in the art of improvisation. The unique “one to a part” nature of the jazz big band allows the members to experience a more intimate type of ensemble. The music performed will vary in style, including: swing, funk, rock, ballads, and Latin/Caribbean. The group meets once a week, and performs at least one concert each semester, paired with our jazz combo. It is open to all students on campus, prior 3music experience required.
The Mount Union Jazz Combo is a small-scale group, consisting of a rhythm section and one or more melody voices. It is an opportunity for students to further explore improvisation, as well as small ensemble communication. In addition, students will learn to read from lead sheets, a skeleton representation of the music, which encourages students to arrange the music in creative ways. Open to all students with previous music experience, it provides a great entry point to the jazz band, as well as a way for seasoned players to hone their craft.
Lessons and Other Ensembles
Lessons and Other Ensembles
There are several ways for students to continue their passion for instrumental music at the University of Mount Union, regardless of major. Any student may sign up for private lessons with one of our experienced applied music faculty. We also offer an array of small chamber ensembles that highlight the unique characteristics of the instrumental music family of instruments. These include:
Flute Choir
Clarinet Ensemble
Saxophone Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble
Trumpet Ensemble
Trombone Ensemble
Brass Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
For more information on these ensembles, contact the University of Mount Union’s Department of Performing Arts at (330) 823-2180.
Our array of ensembles perform a variety of different pieces whether they are on the football field, in a concert hall, or in the pit of a theatre production.